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How to apply a trial key?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var You can go to API Data Service Homepage and follow the instruction there. If you have any questions about requesting a key, please contact us by email: \n a(href=\"\") \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 2. How many keys can I require for my email address?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Only one key per email address is allowed.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 3. How many people can access the app with my key?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var The key issued to you is for your own use and is your responsibility to you to ensure that other people do not make use of it.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 4. How to get support?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var If you have any questions using ICAO API Data Service, you can go refer to this FAQ list, contact us at \n a(href=\"\") \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 5. Do I need to download a plug-in?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var No, just open your browser and enter the URL for the website.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 6. I was not able download any data. Why?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var You were probably given free access on a limited period of time or your calling limit was run out. Under these conditions, the download capability is disabled.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 7. What is the data download limit for a paid subscriber?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var It depends on which group of membership you are in. For one-year subscribers, they can download the data at any time in the subscription period. For Booster Pack subscribers, the download limit various according to different packs.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 8. How many calls I can make with my key?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var You can make a max 100 free calls with your key.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 9. Is there any other format of the data in addition to csv and json? How can I transfer the csv. to an excel format?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var For the API data, we only provide csv. and json formats, but you can always transfer a csv format to an excel. There are two ways to achieve this. First: download the csv format, then open it, click “file” choose “save as” an excel format. Second: copy the link of the data you need, and then open a new excel sheet, click “Data – Get External Data – From web”, paste the link you copied, click “go”.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 10. How can ICAO API data service be used?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var The ICAO API data service can be used in two ways: online query and download through the API Data Service Homepage or remote query using the API.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 11. How long is the free trial?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Every user will get 100 free calls per month, and the unused calls won’t be accumulate to the next month.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 12. Can I keep my key if I changed my email address?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Yes, you can. You can go to the API Data Service Homepage and click “change email address of key” under your account name.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 13. What’s the relationship between iSTARS and API data service?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var API is an iSTARS project where some of our data in small slices (API calls) are distributed to users.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 14. If my key is granted the free access to one API data which is not free of charge, does that mean my key is free to all APIs?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var No, the key is only free access to the specific APIs we opened the access to the key.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 15. Where can I find the information about Booster Packs?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var More information about Booster Pack can be found from the online store at: \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 16. May I put ICAO as the references of my own project/APP?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Please contact us at \n a(href=\"\") \n var to ask more information.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 17: Is there any Terms and Conditions to use API data?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Yes, to use API data, users have to agree the Terms and Conditions.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 18. How to link my Booster Packs to API?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Each BoosterPack comes with a code. Please add the code to your account in API Data Service Homepage. You can also view your API usage at any time. When you reach your calling limit, we will send you a friendly email.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 19. How can I know my usage of the Booster Pack?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var You can view your API usage by clicking “view usage stats” button which is under your email address in API Data Service Homepage.\n\n\n .card\n #headingTwo.card-header\n h5.mb-0\n button.btn.btn-link.collapsed(type='button', data-toggle='collapse', data-target='#collapseTwo', aria-expanded='false', aria-controls='collapseTwo', style='margin-left: 100px') Data\n #collapseTwo.collapse(aria-labelledby='headingTwo', data-parent='#accordionExample')\n .card-body\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 1. Why can’t I find some airport when I am using the NOTAMS API?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Please try with the Realtime NOTAMS API, if you still can't find it there, please contact us at: \n a(href=\"\")\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 2. Are the data published by ICAO and IATA comparable?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Yes since both Organizations used the same definitions for their statistical terms. However the data values may differ as it depends if they include subsidiaries of the main air carrier or now.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 3. How often is Operator 3-letter Codes data updated?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Operator 3-letter Codes data is updated every 3 months.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 4. What is the meaning of the exclamation marks in NOTAMS? Why are subject and no modifier missing?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var When a NOTAM starts with !, it means it is a non-ICAO NOTAM. ICAO mandates some specific formats. USA and Canada do not follow those standards all the time. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 5. Departure Delays API \n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var The delay data is coming directly from our partner FlightStats. \n var They have an API which provides delay information for airports. The structure is defined from FlightStats. \n var We call this API every 3 hours, and store that data. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 6. In the “Operational Aerodrome Information” API, which airports are considered “operational”?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var The “operational” means it does not contain airports which do not have any approach procedure of some kind, mainly eliminates military airports. It's a way to produce a subset of Doc 7910 for operational use. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 7. In the “Operational Aerodrome Information” API, how many total airports are there in this data? \n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var There are over 12, 000 airports in the database. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 8. Can I find all history data? \n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var It depends on how long history data you need. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 9. What’s the frequency of receiving the data I paid?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var It depends or it can be even customized. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 10. How many sorts of data are available in the ICAO API data service?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var There are five groups of data, they are: States, Airports, Operators, Airspaces and Occurrences. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 11. What parameters and data fields are shown in the API?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var The data in each topic has its unique parameters and data fields which focus on air traffic, accidents and audit results. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 12. Is the link which provides the API data I request always valid or can it change?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var The link is always valid. \n\n .card\n #headingThree.card-header\n h5.mb-0\n button.btn.btn-link.collapsed(type='button', data-toggle='collapse', data-target='#collapseThree', aria-expanded='false', aria-controls='collapseThree', style='margin-left: 100px')\n | Subscription\n #collapseThree.collapse(aria-labelledby='headingThree', data-parent='#accordionExample')\n .card-body\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 1. How to become a paid user?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var There are two ways to become a paid user, one-year subscriber by signing the contract or Booster Pack subscriber by purchasing any Booster Pack. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 2. What’s the process to become a one-year subscriber?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var First, you need to contact us by \n a(href=\"\") \n var to inquire the quote, once the order is confirmed, you need to send us the company address. An invoice will be prepared and sent to you and once we receive the payment, the data will be delivered. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 3. What are the costs associated with requiring the full download of some APIs?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Please contact us by \n a(href=\"\") \n var to inquire the price.\n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 4. Is it free to require a trial key?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Yes, it is free to require a trial key. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 5. Are all APIs free of full download?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var No, only some of them are free of full download. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 6. Is it refundable of my payment if I want to stop subscription?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var No, it’s not refundable. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | 7. What if I need more data after the free period?\n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var To increase you calling limit, you need to buy Booster Pack . Booster Pack come in different sizes, depending on the number of calls you need to do. The calls contained in the Booster Pack are used only if you exceed the monthly 100 calling limit. \n .topic\n .open\n h2.question\n | Not find your question? \n span.faq-t\n p.answer\n var Submit your question \n a(href=\"\") here \n var and we will get back to you soon!"},"morecss":null,"morejs":[{"url":""}],"deploydate":"2018-08-01T20:51:17.462Z","capture":"","prod":true,"sharedwith":["56a2838637025efe6412eb12"],"published":"2018-08-01T20:48:49.777Z","libs":[{"_id":"5672b285f36b083214f3e63b","description":"A sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.","key":"","version":"3.3.6","link":",,","name":"bootstrap","__v":0,"haskey":false,"required":false,"website":""},{"_id":"5672b602f36b083214f3e63e","description":"The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library","key":"","version":"2.1.1","link":"","name":"jquery","__v":0,"required":true,"haskey":false,"website":""}],"host":"","version":"prod"} function loadjquery(url,callback) { if(typeof jQuery=='undefined') { loadScript(url,callback) } else { callback() } } function loadScript(url, callback) { var script = document.createElement("script") script.type = "text/javascript"; if (script.readyState) { //IE script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { //Others script.onload = function () { callback(); }; } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } (function () { loadjquery("", function () { //jQuery loaded $("#"+project.container).html("") var libs=[] $(project.libs).each(function(i,v){ if (!="jquery") { $(",")).each(function(j,u){ if (u.slice(-2)=="js") { libs.push(u+(v.haskey?"?key="+project["key"]:"")) } else { $("head").append("") } }) } }) if (project.morejs) { $(project.morejs).each(function(i,v){ if ((v.url.substring(0,2)=="//")||(v.url.substring(0,8)=="https://")||(v.url.substring(0,7)=="http://")) { libs.push(v.url) } }) } if (project.morecss) { $(project.morecss).each(function(i,v){ $("head").append("") }) } loadlibs(libs.reverse()) }); })(); function loadlibs(libs){ if (libs.length>0) { var l=libs.pop() loadScript(l,function(){ //$.getScript(l,function(res){ loadlibs(libs) }) //.fail(function(e){ // loadlibs(libs) // //}) } else { start() } } function putscriptcontent(content){ var script = document.createElement("script") script.type = "text/javascript"; $(script).text(content) document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } function start(){ //load jade $.getJSON("/project/"+project.version+"/""/render?callback=?"+(project.datachange?"&data="+project.datachange:""),function(res){ $("#"+project.container).html(res.html) if (project.css.activated) { if (project.css.linkedtofile) { $("head").append("")} else { $("head").append("")} } if (project.js.activated) { if (project.js.linkedtofile) { $.getScript(project.js.file[("depurl":"url")])} else { putscriptcontent(project.js.content)} if (project.mainjs) { window[project.mainjs]() } } }) }